Good men's health leads to better pelvic and sexual health.

This is a timely reminder for men to see their healthcare provider and do their part to raise awareness about the benefit of early detection.

Did you know that men are more likely than women to suffer from a vast spectrum of issues, from cancer and heart disease, to substance abuse, depression and even suicide?

Herbert Ruckle, MD
, chair of urology for Loma Linda University Health, shared some tips that can make a big difference for men. “Men’s health — and urological health in particular — isn’t always front of mind until there is an issue or illness, but it’s important to take proactive measures to minimize risk for bladder, prostate, or kidney problems,” Ruckle says.

To help men avoid urological health mistakes, Dr. Ruckle recommends the following:

Embrace a low-fat diet.

Understanding the clear links between proper nutrition and various urologic and renal diseases can help mitigate serious health concerns. For example, maintaining a healthy diet can limit the risk of cancer, and chronic diseases. So, staying at a healthy weight can keep the body in shape to fight off these diseases and help maintain a healthy sexual function.

Stay physically active and don’t forget about your mental health.

The benefits of regular exercise are clear, including maintaining a healthy heart and a clear mind. In addition, any consistent physical activity can do much more. Research has shown exercise can reduce the symptoms of certain urological health issues, including symptomatic benign prostatic hypertrophy, kidney stones and erectile problems. A routine of daily exercise and weight control are essential to keep a healthy urinary tract.

Stay up-to-date on recommended cancer screenings.

It’s so much easier to care for problems when they’re picked up early in screenings, because knowing what tests and screenings are available can make a huge difference. At all costs, avoid smoking to prevent bladder and kidney cancer. You should also get a yearly PSA blood test starting at age 50 to detect aggressive prostate cancer. Some believe screenings for cancer are intrusive. However, they can be life-saving.   

Good men’s health is proven to lead to better pelvic and sexual health. So, take the necessary steps now to care for your or your man’s health in the future. Working with a primary care doctor and urologist can help identify and manage bladder, prostate or kidney problems.

Loma Linda University Health providers are committed to ensuring all patients have access to the care they need — especially during this stressful time. Patients can schedule video visits by visiting or calling their provider.


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